U and Utah Tech partnering to address primary care provider shortage
The state has one of the lowest shares of primary care providers in the nation, creating a “medical desert” in many parts of Utah.
Read MoreThe state has one of the lowest shares of primary care providers in the nation, creating a “medical desert” in many parts of Utah.
Read MoreThe president’s presentation comes at a time of increased scrutiny and questions about the value of higher education.
Read MoreUtah should deploy equipment to track PM10 blowing from exposed lakebed into Davis, Weber counties, according to GSL Strike Team.
Read MoreThe transition to a new way of doing things has been implemented across campus—a complex and, at times, painful process.
Read MoreUtah lawmakers continue to examine personal data processing as well as privacy rights and expectations.
Read MoreMore than two dozen University of Utah undergraduate students showcased their research at the Utah State Capitol on Jan. 18.
Read MoreThe 22-member team, including six members from the U, studied the lake’s current condition and summarized policy recommendations to restore the lake’s health.
Read MoreTaylor Randall updated state lawmakers on the school’s recent successes and plans for the future.
Read MoreRandall conducted the Senate’s 2023 opening ceremonies, including the swearing-in of both re-elected and newly elected senators.
Read MoreThis post is part of a series of policy and resource notifications that are distributed over the course of the academic year.
Read MoreScientists, lawmakers and lake advocates discuss data-driven solutions to the lake’s critical problems.
Read MoreThe Idaho National Laboratory and the U signed an agreement allowing collaboration on research and development projects to advance the nation’s energy and security technology.
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