5 books to celebrate Women’s History Month
Check out five books (with some bonuses) curated for readers to recognize, appreciate and honor women and the roles they played in history, and continue to play today.
Read MoreCheck out five books (with some bonuses) curated for readers to recognize, appreciate and honor women and the roles they played in history, and continue to play today.
Read MoreIn 1943, Alberta Hunt Nicholson, a resident of Salt Lake City, joined the Women’s Airforce Service Project (WASP), aiding in the war effort.
Read MoreJourney through 175 years of U history and more from the latest issue of University of Utah Magazine.
Read MoreTo address a lack of ethnic minorities in a local history exhibit at the Museum of Idaho, Sujata Gandhi worked with the museum to collect oral histories from community members.
Read MoreThe Academic Senate meets virtually at 3 p.m. on the first Monday of the month. The meetings are open to the public.
Read MoreThe U Department of Theatre proudly presents “Xanadu” in the Meldrum Theatre Feb. 14-23.
Read MoreThis Tony Award-winning musical captures the triumphs and struggles that shaped King’s career.
Read MoreFrom paintings and photos to a reading revolution, these book recommendations from librarian Allyson Mower provide unique explorations for readers during Black History Month.
Read MoreOne only needs to scratch beneath the surface to reveal the tremendous value, both intellectual and practical, that L2TReC and second language learning offers.
Read MoreUnscripted, real-life stories will be shared of experiencing the impossible, witnessing the miraculous, working through tribulation or simply being present.
Read MoreThere are more than 80,000 items housed in the Rare Books vault at the Marriott Library.
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