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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″] WANT TO BE HAPPIER? THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT! Imagine you just met someone who has never tasted the flavor of salt. How would you describe it? You may feel a little stumped then begin describing what it’s not; like sweet or sour. Happiness seems to be much the same way. It’s […]

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Safe & Sound

2016 SAFETY STAND DOWN[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″] [/bs_col][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″] There are 136,118 ladder related injuries reported in the United States annually. During 2008, the latest year for which statistics are available, work-related falls from ladders resulted in approximately 119 fatalities and an estimated 17,540 serious injuries. Join us as we “STAND DOWN FOR SAFETY.” The Environmental […]

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A Healthier U

FAST FOOD CHOICES The good, the bad and the ugly Fast food is all around us, and some occasions (travel, short on time or energy, etc.) lend themselves towards the quick fix of a fast food meal. Eating healthy at a fast food restaurant isn’t impossible, and there are some healthier options available. The following […]

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-9″] NOT ALL CALORIES ARE CREATED EQUAL There seems to be a bit of disconnect with the information fed to us about calories. We’re told, “A calorie is a calorie” and “a calorie in equals a calorie out.” In other words, if you eat it you better burn it or you are going […]

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HR Updates

WOMEN’S WEEK – RETIREMENT PLANNING SESSIONS[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″] [/bs_col][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]In connection with the University’s Women’s Week 2016 celebration, HR will be hosting two retirement planning workshops on Thursday, March 24 geared toward women in the workforce.  The workshops, “Woman-to-Woman:  Postcards from the Future,” will be presented by TIAA, one of the university’s retirement plan investment […]

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-9″]PROBIOTICS FOR HEALTH Probiotics are live bacteria that can be eaten to increase the amount of good bacteria in out digestive system. Recently, probiotics in the form of foods and supplements have been a hot topic in research for their ability to help treat and prevent certain diseases. The average adult has approximately […]

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Safe & Sound

SAFE FOOD-HANDLING GUIDELINES [bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″] [/bs_col][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]The food supply in the United States is among the safest in the world. However, when certain disease-causing bacteria or pathogens contaminate food, they can cause foodborne illness, often called “food poisoning.”  The Federal government estimates that there are about 48 million cases of foodborne illness annually – […]

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-9″]CORN DOG OR CANCER DOG? A recent statement by the World Health Organization is causing quite a stir among the meat loving crowd. The WHO along with the IARC have linked red and processed meats to the big “c” word, cancer (namely, colon cancer). Although processed meats have been named as known human […]

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Safe & Sound

RESPIRATORY PROTECTION [bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″] [/bs_col][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Recent poor air quality has focused attention on non-occupational respiratory protection usage.  While certain types of respiratory protection can be effective in protecting individuals against the negative effects of poor air quality, there are a few factors to consider prior to using or purchasing. Respiratory protection can place an […]

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