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Humans of the U: Aaron Quinlan

“I love research. It’s exciting and incredibly rewarding to identify problems and devise creative solutions with a marriage of molecular biology and computer science. I feel like I won the lottery. I’m a full professor at the university I love. I’m eager to get to work, and it’s often hard to leave. Loving what you do is an incredible blessing.”

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Humans of the U: Jeff Metcalf

“I’m very excited about the novel (fiction) called ‘Wacko’s City of Fun Carnival.’ It is loosely based on my own experience of running away from home at 15 and a half and joining a traveling carnival. As my mother always told me, ‘How could somebody be born on Halloween, in a cab, in San Francisco and not have an interesting life?’ And, she was absolutely correct.”

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Humans of the U: Grayson Hull

“In 2017, I saw an announcement in the pre-med newsletter that the Prison Education Project was starting and they needed volunteers. My mom is a school teacher, so education is pretty important in my family, and I thought it’d be a good thing to get involved in.”

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Humans of the U: Gabriela Villalobos

“I did my first internship with the Ibarra Strategy Group in Washington, D.C. They are also part of the Latino Leaders Network, and as a person of color who grew up in a large immigrant community with low socioeconomic status, the work was very personal and meaningful. I was able to honor and advocate for people who look and sound just like me. It was an amazing, humbling experience.”

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Humans of the U: Kelly MacArthur

“I’m really excited to meet new students. I go out of my way to memorize all the students’ names. By the end of every semester, I think to myself, ‘I wonder if my next group of students is going to be as great as this group of students.’ I’m going to miss these students, and I’m not sure how to detach so that I can leave space to attach to the next set.”

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Humans of the U: Simon Zivny

I have been a coffee drinker for a long time. From age 14 (if not earlier), I’d drink espresso with my family when we visited cafes, and a lot of my ideas about coffee started there. Even though the coffee I was drinking was very different from the coffee I try to make now, the experience was similar. It was special, it was new. You always ended up tasting things you didn’t expect to taste.

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