“They say it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes a literary agent, an amazing editor, a publisher, friends, family and lots of patience to get a book published!
I began work on my novel, “The Devil in the Deal,” (which is being published by Elektra Press) in 1996. Yes, 21 years ago.
It is a novel based on a true story — my story. At age 18, I worked in a massage parlor and as a stripper before moving to Utah and marrying into a family that, unbeknownst to me, was mixed up with crime. The theme of the book is overcoming problems, bad choices and learned helplessness.
There is another lesson here, too, about having a dream and never giving up. There was a force driving me to keep going. I took every writing class there is through Continuing Ed and the critiques of my fellow students really helped me. I finally found my voice. But what if I had given up half way through?
Once I get the hard copy in my hands I will probably go cry — and jump up and down with joy!”
— Sheryle Bauer is an office assistant in the College of Social Work and a first-time author

[bs_well size=”md”]We’ll be featuring Humans of the U and sharing their stories throughout the year with the university community. If you know someone with a compelling story, let us know at ThisWeek@utah.edu.[/bs_well]