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New Year, Who Dis?

Happy New Year 2025! With a fresh blanket of snow, the quiet solstice of the Red Butte Garden transforms into a winter wonderland. The delicate branches of trees, tipped with snow, create an atmosphere like no other. Get ready for another fantastic year at the garden as we welcome 2025 with hope, positivity, and exciting changes. New year, new us!

Find information to plan your visit here. Reposted from the Red Butte Garden blog. Photos by Glenn M. Eurick.

Red Butte white with snow

A snowy covered hillside with leafless shrubs.

Red Butte white with snow

Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica)

This stately conifer produces blue needle-like leaves that cover the branches.

A fir tree with snow on its branches in a snowy landscape.

Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica)

Nuttall's Oak (Quercus texana)

Because Nuttall's Oak isn't native to our region, it often holds onto its leaves until mid to late winter or later!

Oak leaves lay scattered on the snow-covered ground.

Nuttall's Oak (Quercus texana)

White Fir (Abies concolor)

The leaves of this fantastic Utah native smell citrusy when crushed.

Close up of fir branches dusted with snow clusters caught among the needles.

White Fir (Abies concolor)

Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)

Hibernation? What's that?

A brown, fox squirrel chews on a snack, hidden among the snowy tree branches.

Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)