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Know where to throw

Recycling is not as easy as it seems on the surface. Sure, the concept is a great one, instead of an item ending up in the landfill it is turned into a new product or used for compost. But we all know that isn’t how it works. In order for something to be properly recycled it has to go in the right bin. Oh, and not all bins are the same. What you can recycle in one place you can’t in another.

So, what are you going to do? Just throw up your hands and leave all your trash on the ground? No, you aren’t. Number one, because that would be rude. Number two, because U Facilities Management is here to help with the new “Know Where to Throw” database and interactive Campus Waste Map located at

“We now have a search engine where you can type in different items and it will tell you how to dispose of or recycle them,” said Joshua James, campus recycling coordinator. “We also have a campus map that’s color-coded showing where you can drop things off like cardboard and glass.”

The “Know Where to Throw” database program takes into account the difference between recycling on campus, and in our surrounding communities. It takes the guesswork out of waste disposal by clarifying which materials can be recycled, and which are better suited for trash—so the U can more effectively recycle and avoid contamination. Tell it what item you want to throw away, and it will help you properly dispose of it.

“It’s an important tool because there’s a lot of misinformation in recycling and waste,” said James. “By putting the correct information out there it helps us be more streamlined and effective. We can recycle, but it isn’t as simple as just dropping anything you want into a blue bin.”