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"Lassonde is the place where I can make my dreams a reality. Seeing my grandfather suffer a stroke and lose his motor skills and independence, and being wheelchair bound was heartbreaking. This is why I want to utilize Lassonde’s resources to create a wheelchair pulley system."

“Ever since I heard about Disney Imagineering, I made it a goal of mine to become an Imagineer. It combined everything that I was and who I wanted to be. Since the moment Lassonde Studios was an idea in blueprint form, I made it my goal to live there — the first time I set foot in Lassonde, I sat in the hangar like a kid in a candy store, with the biggest smile on my face and my parents couldn’t drag me out.

Lassonde is such a collaborative and eclectic environment of diverse backgrounds, but also a mini-imagineering place with amazing opportunities. My passion for its platform lead to the creation of my social media account about Lassonde, and I want to document what I’m doing so that down the road, I can go back and see all the incredible things I did at this amazing institution.

Lassonde is the place where I can make my dreams a reality. Seeing my grandfather suffer a stroke and lose his motor skills and independence, and being wheelchair bound was heartbreaking. This is why I want to utilize Lassonde’s resources to create a wheelchair pulley system. I want to prevent my grandfather from feeling dejected that he can’t do things by himself and restore his independence.

All of these experiences have inspired a love for learning, and I’ve come to live by ‘LOL,’ as a text and motivational lingo, meaning ‘Love of Learning.’ As long as you have a love of learning, you’re never going to feel like it’s work and you’ll gain new passions through learning.

Imagineering is bringing engineering, technology, art, science and my passions into one conglomerate idea and making something out of it. So be a go-getter. Be an imagineer. Just imagine.”

— Celine Cavanaugh, Entertainment Arts & Engineering student

[bs_well size=”md”]We’ll be featuring Humans of the U and sharing their stories throughout the year with the university community. If you know someone with a compelling story, let us know at[/bs_well]