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Belonging matters: Campus-wide sense of belonging survey launches

The University of Utah takes pride in its diverse student population, each bringing different perspectives and identities that contribute to a unique connection with our campus. To assess and enhance the sense of belonging among its students, the university will conduct a comprehensive survey.

Randomly selected students will receive an email to their UMail account with a link to complete the Sense of Belonging survey on Jan. 22. The survey takes 10-15 minutes and is voluntary. Responses will be protected and treated as confidential, and results will be presented in summary form so no individual can be identified. Participants who complete the survey will have the chance to win one of the 20 $100 Amazon gift cards.

Students are being asked to take these three simple actions:

  1. Watch your UMail inbox for the “Please Complete the U of U Sense of Belonging Survey” email
  2. Take the survey by Feb. 12
  3. Help shape a culture of belonging at the U

The primary goal of the Sense of Belonging survey is to inform our understanding of the student experience related to belonging and the impact of our student support services. Belonging is defined by the university as “a person’s knowing that their authentic self is affirmed and supported.” Information from the survey will help in developing practices and resources that better support the campus community. The survey explores belonging in four complex ways: academic, professional, cultural, and social. Ultimately, understanding student belonging generally and across these four dimensions, will support efforts to ensure student experiences are meaningful, successful, and positive. The survey will ask students to provide their insights about their experiences interacting with several offices and centers within Student Affairs, Undergraduate Studies, and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

“I am very proud to know that our campus is leading on understanding that belonging needs to be measured as a complex issue,” says Dr. Daniel K Cairo, associate vice president of EDI. “The four areas of focus will give the University of Utah a summary measure that holistically looks at how students belong on our campus.”

This survey is a collaborative effort being led by Student Affairs and EDI. Survey findings will play a crucial role in helping evaluate current resources and programs, identifying opportunities to better address the diverse needs of our students.

“When students feel a deep connection to their community, it opens the door for them to actively engage, collaborate with peers, seek assistance when necessary, and persevere through challenges,” says Dr. Bryan Hubain, associate vice president of Student Development and Inclusion. “The data shared by participants not only positions us to proactively invest where needed for the success of all students but also complements several exciting initiatives, including U Belong and College Town Magic. ”

The Sense of Belonging survey is a crucial step toward creating an environment where every student feels valued and supported, ultimately contributing to their academic success. Seeking feedback from the student body, the university aims to implement positive changes that contribute to a more inclusive campus where students feel valued and respected. Your participation is essential in shaping the future of belonging at the University of Utah.

If you have any questions about the survey or the corresponding research, please contact Jake Lemon, Director of Student Affairs Assessment, Analytics & Planning, at