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Get Ready for Career Success: Fall Career Fairs and Expos

Whether you're on the hunt for a part-time gig, your next internship, or gearing up to tackle the job market post-graduation, the Fall Career Fairs and Expos are the perfect opportunity to make moves for your future.

Fall Career Fairs and Expos run from August 23 - October 3

Career Fairs are large, inclusive events. Employers will be looking for potential hires from a wide variety of industries, in all majors and with all levels of experience. Check the attending employers list in Handshake to see what companies are coming ahead of time.

Career Expos are smaller, focused on specific industries, and held in an academic department or college. If there is an expo for your area of interest this semester, you don’t want to miss it.

Register using the links below or visit the U Career Success website for more information.

Note: Registration is through Handshake, your all-in-one career resource hub. You already have an account, just log in with your uNID and CIS password.

Making the most of these opportunities:

The best thing about these events is that they’re worth your time no matter where you are in your journey. Come as you are to just scope out the market and see what’s out there. Or step up your game by using our prep workshops and resources to attend as a career fair boss.

Fall Career Fairs

Fall Career Expos