Eccles Health Sciences Library celebrates YouTube creator award
EHSL’s Digital Collections YouTube channel, the U’s most popular, has more than 24 million views and 213,000 subscribers.
Read MoreEHSL’s Digital Collections YouTube channel, the U’s most popular, has more than 24 million views and 213,000 subscribers.
Read MoreThe gift of 35 volumes include Nelson’s doctoral thesis, research publications and surgical notes for thousands of cardiothoracic surgeries performed over his three-decade career.
Read MoreThe multi-phased seismic retrofit project will begin in early April 2023 and be completed in June 2024.
Read MoreMenstrual cups are an easier, reusable, sustainable alternative to tampons or pads.
Read MoreThe University of Utah’s video game design program is posting yet another high score.
Read MoreThe U’s top-ranked video games program to show off new student games during “EAE Launch 2021” event.
Read MoreUniversity of Utah’s top-ranked video games program to show off new games under development during “EAE Play 2020.”
Read MoreMedical grade 3-D-printed face shields will go to health care workers.
Read MoreA virtual reality simulation for social work students that recreates a home environment so they can better prepare to check for potential hazards.
Read More[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-9″]U-BAR BRINGS POWERFUL HEALTH INFORMATION TO PATIENTS’ MOBILE DEVICES By Robert Tennant Knowledge is power, and thanks to the proliferation of smart phones and wearable tech individuals can now gather, record and access their own health data in increasingly powerful ways. Yet with so many different health apps to choose from, consumers can […]
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