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I, Carly

After dealing with a new challenge this past year—one that threatened her life—Utah Soccer goalkeeper Carly Nelson discusses her recent health scare, growing up in Utah as a lesbian and the positive impact she hopes to have on her friends, family and others.

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″] WAYS TO CHANGE A BEHAVIOR AND MAKE IT STICK Do you find yourself setting the same New Year’s resolution year after year? Do you start making behavior changes but find yourself reverting back to old habits? If so, you are not alone. Making changes to our lifestyle and behaviors can be tricky […]

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-9″]YOGA BREATHING: THE SECRET WEAPON TO CALM Did you know most of us, most of the time are functioning on ‘fight or flight?’ This means our sympathetic nervous system response; our body’s reaction to being chased by a bear, famine, or war is being used similarly to deal with work deadlines, family stress […]

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-9″] GET MOVING TO MANAGE STRESS You know that exercise is good for your health, but your life is too busy to fit physical activity into your routine. Hold that thought — there’s good news when it comes to exercise and stress. Any form of exercise, from walking to zumba, can act as […]

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-9″] PEAK WELLNESS WORKSHOPS Does the holiday season bring as much stress as joy to your life?  PEAK is offering a series of workshops to help you enjoy the holidays in a healthy and mindful way. Three 90-minute workshops will be offered in the month of December and will cover a wide range […]

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