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Student body applications for 2019 are open. Get involved and serve your fellow students.

What Opportunities Are Available To You?

  • ASUU represents every college through College Student Councils.
  • Each academic year, 36 Assembly positions and 18 Senate positions are available for students to represent their academic colleges.
  • ASUU’s activity board, the Campus Events Board (CEB), enlists about 30 staff and board members to put on over 50 activities each year.
  • The ASUU Executive Cabinet works with over 100 students on many issues that impact students on campus.
  • ASUU can introduce you to over 600 student clubs and organizations. If you don’t see a club or group that fits your interest, we can show you how to start your own.

There’s more than one important election taking place this year. The Associated Students of the University of Utah is now accepting applications for student body positions. As a registered student, you are already a member of ASUU. It’s a great way to get involved on campus and make a difference while serving your fellow students.

The level of involvement is up to you and there are lots of opportunities to serve your fellow students. You could plan events like Redfest (the annual music festival), continue the campus traditions during Homecoming week, or work more behind the scenes on finances or the student body elections. Read through the information packets here and click on the “Candidate Information” section to find out more.

There are two branches of government which hold elections; Executive and Legislative.

The Executive branch is comprised of the student body president and vice presidents for student relations and university relations who serve one year terms. The executive branch works with the student body to accurately represent and provide support for all students of the university. This team of three must file their application together. The filing deadline for executive positions is Dec. 7, 2018 at 5 p.m.

The Legislative branch is comprised of the Assembly and Senate. The Senate has 18 seats, one per college and one for undergraduate studies (representing undeclared students). Senators chair college student councils. They advocate for the student experience within their college and vote on proposed legislation.

The Assembly is composed of 36 representatives elected from each college at the university in proportion to the number of students enrolled in that college. Assembly Representatives work with Senators to write legislation for the general student body, and are responsible for allocating funds to student groups planning. Larger colleges will have more than one seat in assembly. Members of the assembly will elect their own chairperson. The filing deadline for legislative positions is Jan. 25, 2019 at 5 p.m. All applicants will file individually.

If you are going to run for an elected position read through the legislative and executive packets here. All guidelines and important dates for 2018-2019 elections are listed.

Click here for a list of available positions that do not require running against a fellow student. You don’t have to run, but you still have to apply.

Happy Elections!