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Welcome back to the U

Welcome back to the U! I hope everyone had an enjoyable and productive summer break.

To our new and returning students, I want to extend a warm welcome back. This past weekend I gave a short talk, see the video below, on four tips I have for you to make your time at the U exceptional. I believe you represent the heart and soul of the university, and we are thrilled to have you back on campus. You enrich every corner of our academic and social landscape. I realize that campus is not just a place but a home away from home and it is my sincere hope that you all feel like you belong here, in your U home. Please know that my ultimate goal is your education, well-being, and success and I am committed to support you in every step along your academic journey.

To our dedicated staff, your hard work and dedication to maintaining our campus to make it a welcoming and nurturing environment have not gone unnoticed. Over the summer I met with Staff Council, I want to reiterate that we can’t do it without you. You are vital to our vision to inspire, innovate, serve, and make the U an engine for unsurpassed societal impact.

To our valued faculty, your passion for teaching, research, and innovation is the driving force behind our educational and research enterprise. I am confident that you will challenge and guide our students in their academic experiences. I am filled with gratitude that you are leading the way to inspire our future leaders and thinkers. Thank you.

Welcome back, and let’s make this year truly exceptional! Go Utes! Go Utah!

Taylor Randall