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International Holocaust Rememberance Day

The latest Humanities Radio episodes commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Now in its 4th season, Humanities Radio, the University of Utah College of Humanities' podcast, continues to lead conversations exploring various perspectives of today’s topics. Each month, faculty and students from the college explore a new theme, such as National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month, Halloween and Day of the Dead, National American Indian Heritage Month and others.

January commemorates International Holocaust Remembrance Day and Humanities Radio examines the historical time period with Julia Ault, assistant professor of history and Maeera Shreiber, associate professor of English and chair of the Jewish Studies Initiative.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

In honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27, Julia Ault, assistant professor of history, discusses why the global day was established how it is commemorated around the world.

Jewish Writers of the Holocaust

In honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Maeera Shreiber, associate professor of English and chair of the Jewish Studies Initiative, discusses some of the lesser known Jewish writers who survived the Holocaust, such as Art Speigelman, Ida Fink and Ruth Kluger.