Lecture brings to light the harsh reality of at-risk, runaway and homeless youth who are recruited, forced, and coerced into sex trafficking.
Read MoreLecture brings to light the harsh reality of at-risk, runaway and homeless youth who are recruited, forced, and coerced into sex trafficking.
Read MoreU law professor Paul Cassell, a former federal judge, asks President Obama to commute sentence in Weldon Angelos case citing “unjust” 55-year mandatory minimum sentence he was forced to hand down in.
Read MoreIs the Supreme Court a supreme failure? Provocative legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky to visit the U on Feb. 4 to speak as part of the 50th annual Leary Lecture.
Read MoreThe U’s unique Environmental Dispute Resolution Program aims to promote collaboration, mediation, stakeholder engagement and alternative dispute resolution as a way to address public policy conflicts.
Read MoreDean Bob Adler has pledged to run 100 miles in support of improving bar passage and employment placement among graduates from the U’s S.J. Quinney College of Law.
Read MoreGroundbreaking symposium to examine issues related to biomedicine and law. The event on Dec. 3-4 is a collaboration between the College of Law, University of Utah Health Care and the Huntsman Cancer Institute.
Read MoreU’s S.J. Quinney College of Law will house center dedicated to better understanding intersection of biomedicine and law.
Read MoreWhat happens when eyewitnesses misidentify a crime suspect? The U’s S.J. Quinney College of Law event explores “Evidence-Based Decisions for Policy: The Case of Eye-Witness Identification.”
Read MoreS.J. Quinney alumna Abby Dizon-Maughan started her own criminal defense practice and was recently honored for her work by the NAACP.
Read MoreU law student describes her experiences interning with the South African Human Rights Commission.
Read MoreResearch by Shima Baughman, an associate professor at the S.J. Quinney College of Law, is part of discussions surrounding changes to mandatory minimum sentences involving nonviolent drug.
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