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Humans of the U: Brittany Kiyoko Badger

“I did not fully grasp the impact of the injustices that my ancestors experienced until I was in my 20s. I loosely knew my Japanese-Australian grandmother and her family were interned during World War II. I knew she was a single mother, raising three children in post-war Australia and living below the poverty line. I knew my mother experienced racism in her home country. However, as the child of a white-American father and an immigrant, Japanese-Australian mother, I was shielded from much of this while growing up in a middle-class neighborhood.”

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Humans of the U: Kelly MacArthur

“I’m really excited to meet new students. I go out of my way to memorize all the students’ names. By the end of every semester, I think to myself, ‘I wonder if my next group of students is going to be as great as this group of students.’ I’m going to miss these students, and I’m not sure how to detach so that I can leave space to attach to the next set.”

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