“I moved to New York City from Lima, Peru, by myself when I was 18. In order to support myself, I found a job as a waiter, and I fell in love with the food industry. In my 40 years in the business, I enjoy every single day — not only because I have a job, but because I have a passion for helping people enjoy themselves, have a good time and feel special for that moment. This is more than a passion for me, I think, it really comes from my heart. When you feel in your heart like you can do something right, or you can change someone’s attitude in 30 seconds, you feel so special.
From the beginning, I saw that the food industry was much more than just food, and I thought, ‘wow, the food industry is a great industry — this is me.'”
— Andrew Fuchs, director of Dining Services

[bs_well size=”md”]We’ll be featuring Humans of the U and sharing their stories throughout the year with the university community. If you know someone with a compelling story, let us know at ThisWeek@utah.edu.[/bs_well]