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Third annual Utah Campus Safety Summit brings state campuses together

The University of Utah Department of Public Safety’s Utah Campus Safety Summit is a statewide opportunity to bring together a variety of campus communities to improve safety and security on all of Utah’s campuses.

The annual two-day summit will take place on March 19-20, 2025, at Eccles Alumni House. A virtual option for Day 1 is also available.

“The goal of the Utah Campus Safety Summit is to provide a forum for local and national experts to share the latest research and information on safety in a campus environment,” said Kim Barnett, University of Utah deputy chief safety officer of Support Services. “In addition to higher education partners from across the state, we’re thrilled that other interested stakeholders in our community, such as K-12 schools and religious organizations, are finding value in the ways we are all working to keep campuses safe and learning from our shared experiences.”

Registration for one or both days is now open.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Day 1: Open to the public
9 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
In-person and virtual options

The summit begins with a keynote address by Dr. Jillian Peterson, executive director of The Violence Prevention Project followed by experts addressing health care security, Clery Act compliance, internet safety, hate crimes and the psychology of criminal behavior.

  • General registration: $100
  • U affiliation: $50
  • Student: $15
  • Virtual: $15

Thursday, March 20, 2025
Day 2: Open only to first responders and supporting agencies
9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
In-person at Eccles Alumni House

Day 2 will provide insight into the future of policing and interviewing techniques among other topics.

  • General registration: $100
  • U affiliation: $50

“Whether you’re a law enforcement official or a student interested in learning more about campus safety, there’s something for everyone at this year’s Utah Campus Safety Summit,” said Keith Squires, University of Utah chief safety officer. “Campus safety is everyone’s business and requires a culture of safety awareness and a commitment to information sharing and collaboration. As a participant, we hope you will learn something new, meet someone new and share your personal experiences.”

To register and for the full Utah Campus Safety Summit agendas and more information, click here.