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Project apART: Sparking creativity and community amidst social isolation

Even in our collective isolation we can elevate the power of art for social impact.

From college students to office workers to medical professionals, social isolation has taken its toll. Everyday tasks and line items like commuting to work, cafes and walking to class are now nostalgic memories for many.

As physical distancing remains vital to maintaining public health, it’s becoming harder to feel a sense of purpose and community. Yet the need for creative inspiration and outlets has never been more crucial to the human experience. During times of significant change, artistic movements have been a pivotal source of imagination, innovation, and community. Every pandemic throughout history has redefined the boundaries of artistic expression, and COVID-19 will likely do the same.

Despite our isolation, how do we collectively spark creativity in a time of fear and anxiety?

What can we do to feel less disconnected from ourselves and others?

How can we spread light during these dark times?

One solution lies in collective creativity.

Experts cite that meaningful activity and connecting virtually will be critical throughout this quarantine period. As we all unpack the trauma this pandemic has caused us, we must come to understand that “art is not a commodity; it’s really a necessity” to both our physical and mental health.

In response to the ongoing crisis, the Sorenson Impact Center is launching a community-engaged art campaign, Project apART. This initiative is centered around celebrating human resiliency through an online artistic community, with an emphasis on connecting with vulnerable and underserved populations. Through a visual game of telephone, artists and creatives from all backgrounds and mediums can contribute every week. After each week’s submissions, the selected “apARTist” of the week will be featured as the next weekly prompt. All creatives are invited to take part in this experiment and contribute to the flow of creativity formed as a community.

We’re banding together and inspire one another to remain positive and spread kindness. Even in our collective isolation, we can elevate the power of art for social impact. Join us. Go create!