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National Trans Day of Remembrance

Nov. 20 is the National Trans Day of Remembrance, a day dedicated to honoring the lives of those lost to transphobic violence. In the United States of America, Trans people are four times more likely to be victims of violent crime than cisgender people. This day of remembrance calls attention to the disparity and asks all members of the community to be allies to trans individuals and affirm their unalienable human rights.

Trans Day of Remembrance will be marked on the campus of the University of Utah with the distribution of Trans pride flags and the display of these flags outside of the Union. In addition, people are invited to come to the LGBTQ+ Resource Center to write affirmations, letters and draw pictures in support of our Trans community.

At the University of Utah we are committed to ensuring the safety and dignity of all members of our community. “No one should live in fear or feel threatened because of who they are or how they are perceived by others in the community,” said Mary Ann Villareal, vice president for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, “We all must strive to make sure every person on campus knows they are welcome, safe, and have a place where they belong.”

We are all one U.