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ICYMI: Deepening the work

Watch the final Friday Forum on Racism in Higher Education of the academic year.

The Friday Forums on Racism in Higher Education have come to a close for this academic year. The sixth panel, titled, “The Long Game: Deepening the Work,” provided tangible and strategic next steps on how we ground anti-racism work across our institution and higher education systems across the country. Participants were invited to reflect on what was learned throughout the Friday Forums series and how you’ve changed your practices. It interrogated our own relationship and approach to anti-racism work.

Panelists shared how they have disrupted racism and systemic inequity, what they have built in its place and what we must do together to inspire and sustain the necessary and lasting changes in higher education.

The conversation was moderated by Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Daniel A Reed. Panelists included:

  • Leroy M. Morishita, president emeritus, California State University, East Bay
  • Mildred García, president, American Association of State Colleges and Universities
  • Andy Rathmann-Noonan, executive director, National Science and Technology Medals Foundation

In case you missed it, view the full event below.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) at the U hosts these national conversations with the goal of helping attendees start on a journey to eradicate racism and share best practices for sustained growth and action. Friday Forums is a commitment to the state and region in elevating national conversations and showcasing models of disrupting complicit racism. Each session welcomes national thought leaders to lead discussions and provide opportunities for participants to share ideas on actionable items towards a diverse, equitable and inclusive campus.

Catch up on all six Friday Forums from the 2020-21 academic year here.