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Feeling sick? Please, stay home

As a campus community, we share a lot of things: classes, events, knowledge and pride in the university. One thing we don’t want to share? Illnesses. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted just how quickly a virus can spread, and also how we can work together to protect each other. While COVID-19 is still a concern, we also need to consider other illnesses like the flu, or even the common cold, that can spread rapidly and have a major impact on others.

“Pay attention to your own health,” said Steven Lacey of the Division of Public Health. “If you develop flu, cold or COVID symptoms, stay home and mask up around others. Look out for yourself and others so we can have a great semester.”

Students who have to miss class due to illness can work with their instructors on making up missed work and class time. You can learn more about the absence policy on the Student Affairs site and on your instructors’ syllabi. If you find you need to be out of class for an extended period of time you can find information about accommodations here.

Faculty and staff who fall ill also can be accommodated so that they do not bring their germs to campus. You can learn more about the sick leave policy on the main campus here. Those who find they may need an extended period of leave can learn more here.

You can help stop the spread of illness when you aren’t sick as well. It’s all about being considerate of others and practicing good hygiene.

  • Get a flu shot and keep current on other vaccines, including COVID-19.
  • Wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer to clean your hands when soap and water are not available.
  • Sneeze or cough into your sleeve or handkerchief, not into your hands or into the air.
  • Limit how much you touch your face. Don’t give germs a chance to get in.
  • Clean and sanitize surfaces before and after you use them.
  • Masks are no longer required on campus, but they are certainly welcome. If you are worried about illness a mask is a good idea.

It’s nice to be back on campus for another school year, and we look forward to lots of shared experiences. Let’s not have to limit them because of illness. If you are sick, stay home and protect others in the community.