University of Utah student Erica Hill’s Merit Page. Click to learn more about Hill’s experience using Merit Pages.
The University of Utah proudly recognized 18,188 students in 2020 for various achievements ranging from being cast in Department of Theatre productions to publishing impactful research and making the Dean’s List.
The U uses a system called Merit Pages to share personalized stories about student accomplishments throughout their university careers. The program automatically shares the news with a student’s hometown newspapers, high school, state representatives and family members. Students are also able to customize their profile pages with pictures, work experience and awards prior to enrolling at the U.
In 2020, the U published 23 achievements using Merit Pages resulting in:
- 21,130 student emails
- 26,542 parent emails
- 68,881 shares, reactions, comments and clicks on social media for an estimated 20.6 million impressions
- 6,914 press releases sent to 33,265 postal codes in 54 states
- Email updates sent to principals and guidance counselors at 2,378 high schools in 53 states
- Updates sent to 3,471 government representatives in 51 states
- 117 of the officials notified represent the state of Utah
Upon enrolling at the U, students will receive a Merit Pages welcome email inviting them to update their profile and privacy settings. Learn more about how the U is using Merit Pages here.