The need is great, and so is the commitment and generosity of U employees. The university’s Campaign for Our Community is again looking to faculty and staff to continue a tradition of giving to charitable causes that give back to our communities and children like Kristy, a survivor of acute lymphocytic leukemia.

Camp Hobé
Today, Kristy is a longtime camp volunteer of Camp Hobé, Utah’s summer camp for kids with cancer (and similarly treated disorders) and their siblings. Kristy was 3 years old when she was diagnosed and was able to attend camp because of generous donors like the U’s employees.
“Camp is one of the best things that came out of my cancer experience. Camp Hobé changed my life. From then on, I knew what I wanted to do in life and that I wanted to help others, like others had helped me,” Kristy said. “Camp is one of those things that changes who you are forever. Now that I am older, I am even more fortunate to have volunteered with the camp for almost 10 years. I am glad I can give back what was given to me years ago.”
Faculty and staff can choose from over 100 agencies to support, when donating through automatic payroll deductions and one time donations. The deadline to sign up for payroll deductions online is Dec. 15. After that, employees can still enroll and contribute by completing a form printed from the website.
Through the Campaign for Our Community, you choose the organizations that are closest to your heart and give what you can. No amount is too small. For $2 a paycheck, your yearly contribution would provide a week’s supply of food to a family served by the Utah Food Bank. Or, at Wasatch Humane Shelter, the same amount would support the efforts to provide food, shelter and refuge to homeless dogs and cats. Or you can provide two sick kids a life changing experience like Kristy’s, by sending them to Camp Hobé for a day.
If you are currently part of the campaign consider, stepping up to the leadership level this year. Just $42 a paycheck increases your impact in making a difference in someone’s life, and you’ll join a distinguished group of Leadership Givers at the university.
All payroll deductions and one time contributions are tax-deductible. Campaign for Our Community accepts payroll deductions and one time contributions year round. Letters of thanks and receipts are sent at the first of the year so those who give can prepare taxes with ease.
To contribute, visit the website here.
For questions, please email