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UOnline fee waived

There will be no online course fee for summer 2020 classes.

In an effort to support students during these difficult economic and emotional times, the university is waiving the $60 UOnline course fee for the summer 2020 semester. All undergraduate summer courses will also continue to be offered at the in-state residency rate.

When students view the summer semester schedule, they will see classes indicated as either online (ONLN) or Interactive Video Classes (IVC) depending on whether the class has a scheduled regular video meeting. Online classes are the most flexible schedule since they do not have a specified class meeting time.

In addition, any tuition increases will be postponed until at least 2021.

All other tuition policies will remain unchanged:

  • Undergraduate students (resident, non-resident and international) will pay the in-state tuition rate, with exceptions for students on the Health Sciences campus (College of Nursing)
  • Graduate student tuition is determined on a college-by-college basis, again with exceptions for the Health Sciences (School of Pharmacy, College of Nursing)
  • Based on Utah State Board of Regents policy, students in the School of Dentistry, College of Law and School of Medicine do not pay the base tuition rate, instead paying an independently calculated tuition rate which will remain unchanged through the end of 2020

During Summer 2020 semester, course fees will be determined on a course-by-course basis:

  • The use of course fees may be delayed, as with a lab that will be held later in the year
  • Others may be canceled, for example due to a field trip that may not happen or may not be necessary to receive credit for the course
  • Except in these unusual circumstances, course fees should be charged as normal