The STEM Ambassador Program (STEMAP) is offering a series of workshops for scientists to design and deliver science communication and public engagement activities in nontraditional venues to reach those who cannot or do not engage with science via conventional outlets.
STEMAP is directed by Nalini Nadkarni, professor of biology at the University of Utah. A forest ecologist, Nadkarni’s interest in public engagement began as she witnessed impacts of deforestation on her study sites in the rainforests of Costa Rica. Her efforts to draw attention to this issue began with presentations at museums and publications in popular science journals. However, Nadkarni soon realized that not everyone can or does engage with science through traditional outlets. She began exploring other avenues to engage, which led her to interact with people in prisons, places of worship, and other nontraditional venues. Nadkarni has shared this work in two TED Talks and over 40 endowed lectures around the world.
STEMAP was launched in 2016 with funding from the National Science Foundation to support scientists in all disciplines in developing and implementing their own public engagement activities in nontraditional venues. Scientists are selected through a competitive application process. They participate in meetings and workshops to guide them in building relationships in the community and designing audience-specific engagement activities. STEM Ambassadors have carried out engagement activities in over 50 venues, including correctional facilities, a cooking school, senior centers, coffee shops and a day care center.
STEMAP is now accepting applications from University of Utah faculty, postdocs, graduate students and staff in STEM for the spring 2020 cohort. Training will run from Jan-April 2020.
Apply at by Dec 9.
Contact Megan Young at with questions.