A new year, a new month and a new name. If you visited our website in the past few days, you may have noticed a slight change to our office’s name.
We are now University of Utah Health Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion. (You can also call us UHEDI, for short.)
Our team has grown exponentially over the past year. We have a new director position beginning next month and the appointments of EDI Associate Deans/Directors in every health sciences academic unit. With this growth, we wanted our name to better communicate and reflect that our office is here to serve all faculty, staff and students at University of Utah Health.
While our name has changed, our commitment to anti-oppression work has not. We are still dedicated to leading our health sciences campus in a cohesive and collaborative strategy that fosters an inclusive climate and addresses inequities in our health care and health education systems.
Find more news and events from UHEDI here.