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Statement about physics graduate student

Statement from the University of Utah regarding Ms. Xiaolin Tang, a Ph.D. candidate in the university’s Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Statement from the University of Utah regarding Ms. Xiaolin Tang, a Ph.D. candidate in the university’s Department of Physics and Astronomy:

“Xiaolin Tang’s death is a tragedy and a loss to the University of Utah community. We extend our condolences to her family and friends during this difficult time. The university is in touch with Ms. Tang’s family to offer support and answer questions about her experience at the university. We intend to do everything we can to better understand her experience on our campus. Due to U.S. laws and our desire to respect the family’s request for privacy, we cannot discuss further details about this situation.

The university has appointed Zhu Julie Lee and the law firm of Foley & Lardner to review all issues and concerns related to Ms. Tang’s experience at the university. This outside review will collect information and evaluate whether there were any violations of university rules. It will also provide recommendations regarding efforts to help our international graduate students successfully adjust to the special challenges they may face in adapting to and meeting the requirements of their programs. Foley & Lardner have set up an email address for the submission of relevant information related to Ms. Tang’s experience at the university. The email is

Like many universities, the University of Utah maintains mental health and crisis intervention services for our students, and we will be working to learn how we might do even more to help students in crisis. In addition, David Kieda, dean of the university’s graduate school, has initiated changes to the university’s governance and oversight of graduate programs, which will include required annual reviews of graduate student progress. Graduate student advisors will receive training on how to identify specific risk factors and how to assist graduate students who may be facing academic or personal challenges. Dean Kieda has also directed graduate student advisors in each academic department to establish increased visibility of university resources that support students’ academic success, as well as their mental and physical health, and provide effective options for resolution of student grievances.

The university welcomes and actively recruits students from many countries, and we are committed to ensuring they have a supportive environment in which to study, conduct research, flourish, and reach their full potential.”

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校方目前已任命Zhu Julie Lee及其律师事务所Foley & Lardner审查唐晓琳同学的在校经历及与事件相关的资料。该第三方审查将进行一系列相关资料的搜集,以及评估是否存在违反学校规章制度的情况,并为我校国际研究生就“如何面对校园生活中的特殊困难”及“如何顺利完成学业”方面提出积极的建议。Foley & Lardner为此次审查设置了专属邮箱,以便提供任何与唐晓琳同学在校期间的相关信息

犹他大学与许多其他的大学一样,为学生提供了心理健康与危机干预的服务,也将努力探寻更多可以帮助学生面对转折的方式。而且,我校研究生院长David Kieda已经发起了校园的相关管理变革及对各研究生进行年度评估的课程监督机制。研究生导师将会就“如何识别具体风险因素”及“如何有效帮助有学术或个人困难的学生”接受相关方面的培训。David Kieda也要求各个系的研究生导师提高对帮助学生顺利完成学业、学生心理辅导等相关方面的关注程度。
