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Safe & Sound

LADDER SAFETY: DOS AND DON’TS If you are new to working with ladders or if you have worked with them for years, please follow the dos and don’ts of ladder safety. DO…use the right ladder for the job. Ladder classification and capacity should be clearly labeled on the side rung of the ladder. DON’T…use step […]

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Safe & Sound

LADDER SAFETY: INSPECTING LADDERS Inspect ladders carefully. All ladders must be inspected periodically by a competent person, and after any occurrence that could affect their safe use. Including dropping the ladder or if it falls. Inspect ladders before each use, any defective and/or damaged ladders must either be immediately marked in a manner that readily identifies […]

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Safe & Sound

LADDER SAFETY: SELECTING THE CORRECT LADDER FOR THE JOB There are many types of ladders, ranging from simple wooden job-built ladders to specialty ladders used for specific jobs. Ladders may be made of timber, aluminum or fiberglass. There are three main types of ladders used in the construction industry: Extension Step Multipurpose Keep the following […]

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Safe & Sound

2016 SAFETY STAND DOWN[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″] [/bs_col][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″] There are 136,118 ladder related injuries reported in the United States annually. During 2008, the latest year for which statistics are available, work-related falls from ladders resulted in approximately 119 fatalities and an estimated 17,540 serious injuries. Join us as we “STAND DOWN FOR SAFETY.” The Environmental […]

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