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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″] CARBOHYDRATE MYTHS AND FACTS Myth: Carbohydrates are fattening Fact: Losing body fat requires a fairly high volume of training. This is only sustainable if you have the energy to do it. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of quick fuel that will enable you to perform a high volume of training and […]

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-9″] By PEAK Health & Fitness Athletes, non-athletes and types of sugar Because sugars, or simple carbohydrates, serve as the main fuel source for high intensity exercise, athletes have higher carbohydrate needs than the general population when training and competing. Carbohydrates also serve as the brain’s preferred source of energy for staying focused […]

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