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Humans of the U: Sam Lyman

“I am majoring in political science and minoring in campaign management. I started working on political campaigns when I was in high school and really loved doing it. Not many schools offer the campaign management minor, so I knew the U would be a good fit for me. I was also excited to come to the school because of the political diversity found on campus.

Politics has always been an interest of mine. I hope to someday give back to my community by running for office. Studying political science is a good avenue for me to get there.

I’ve been involved in the University of Utah College Republicans since I was a first-year student. I am pretty moderate, so I could have joined either major party club on campus, but I liked how much more established the College Republicans are on campus. They do more events and such and I wanted to be involved with that. Now I’m the club’s vice president. 

Leadership is something I would do for fun even if there weren’t resume perks to it. We do a lot of really great stuff like going to Alta Club dinners and meeting congressmen and state senators, which are my personal celebrities.

I’ve built a lot of important relationships while I’ve been at the U. During my final year of school, I’m hoping to develop more of the practical social skills I’ll need in the workforce, while also having a fun time as a student.”

— Sam Lyman, a junior majoring in political science from Sandy, UT

Vice President of the University of Utah College Republicans