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Humans of the U: Ethan Hood

“I started out as a general studies student at Salt Lake Community College. I have a wide range of interests, and it was hard to pin down what I wanted to study. That was until I took elementary astronomy and felt my passion for the subject shine through like Sirius. That led me down the path toward joining the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, where I volunteered as an Eclipse Ambassador. This astronomy-focused outreach program serves under-resourced communities that haven’t been exposed to science. Participating in that made me realize that I hope to inspire future astronomers, and to be a public-oriented science communicator like Carl Sagan.

While I’m here at the U, I aim to be more involved in the community. I want more than just a degree. I want to develop my social skills and build strong relationships. I want to feel like a person at the U, as opposed to just a college student. Our campus is meant to be a place for students to find community—and I want to do my part in ensuring that.

I’m grateful and incredibly fortunate to be a Presidential Intern. It’s an incredibly valuable opportunity, and during this short window of time, I have I want to refine myself as a human being. I want to forge genuine connections with new communities and carry those with me after I graduate. I hope to find a mentor through this internship and to be able to grow further than I can imagine.

I remember growing up, there was a huge stigma for those with mental disorders or impairments. I had lived so much of my life in denial of my own ailments. Now, with more voices out there saying, ‘I have a disorder, but that doesn’t make me less of a person,’ I feel inspired to do the same in saying that I have social anxiety. I struggle with one of the most basic functions of living—talking to other people! I recognize that I’m not alone in this respect and that it’s a burden we all carry. It’s challenging, but my hope is that I’ve nurtured a capacity for empathy because of it.

And if anyone who is reading this wants to start a dialogue, you can reach me at”

—Ethan M. Hood, third-year honors student studying physics and astronomy from South Jordan, Utah