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Your vote, your voice

In the United States voting is one of our most sacred rights and duties as citizens. Yet, many Americans find themselves discouraged by the current state of American politics and feel powerless to make any real change, so they choose not to cast a ballot. That’s a big mistake.

“Elections are decided by the people who show up,” said Jason Perry, director of the Hinckley Institute. “Voting is the most effective way for you to have an impact on decisions made by the government and those who lead it. If you don’t vote, you are silencing yourself, so take the time to show up and ensure your voice is heard.”

Casting a vote is your opportunity to influence change not only on the national level, but locally as well. In fact, the votes you cast on the local level are more likely to impact your day-to-day life. Voting is a powerful way to connect with your community. When you participate in elections, you become part of a larger civic dialogue.

Taking part in elections also helps ensure that elections stay free and open. In the past, and even now, there are people who want to limit who can cast a ballot. By showing up to vote you can strike down those efforts by supporting voting rights and candidates who promise to protect them. You help ensure that the voices of historically marginalized groups are heard, and their rights are protected.

How to vote

Most voting in Utah is done by mail. Ballots are sent to the addresses provided by registered voters. Voters then have two options to return their ballots. The first is by mail with a postmark by the day before the election. The second is by drop off at a polling location by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

If you prefer to vote in person, you can do so. You must be in line at a polling place by 8 p.m. on Election Day with a valid form of identification and have previously registered to vote or be prepared to register on site.

You can find polling locations here.

You can register to vote in Utah if you have lived in the state for at least 30 days prior to Election Day. You can either register online or by mail if your registration is received at least 11 days before Election Day. You can get more information here.

Voting remains a fundamental and powerful tool for shaping the future of the nation. Voting is not only a right but is also a privilege and a responsibility. Every eligible American should embrace it with enthusiasm and conviction.