LEAP program director search
Help us recognize our strong faculty: Nominate someone today
Apple products not available through UShop
New home for P-Card, UShop and Purchasing
Associate dean’s work published in the American Library Associations ALA Editions
Pickleball comes to the student life center
U women’s soccer club kicks off
Save the date: Edie Kochenour Memorial Lecture on March 3
Glass recycling on campus
Second annual Clean Air for U: A Travelwise Challenge
Freshman scholarships updated
Ivory Prize: Call for nominations
Public Service Professorship Award
Nominate an outstanding academic advisor
Registration now open for intramural sports spring 2017
LEAP PROGRAM DIRECTOR SEARCH[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]LEAP (Learning, Engagement, Achievement, Progress) is in search of a new director.
A key objective of the University of Utah is to expand existing and create new learning communities (LC) to increase retention and completion. The Office of Undergraduate Studies (UGS) is responsible for activating this and other objectives related to student success. The primary role the director of the LEAP Program plays is leadership of the LEAP faculty and peer mentors who support 700-750 students annually. The director keeps vital the vision and mission for LEAP and learning communities as a core element in the Utah Pledge, and the University of Utah’s guarantee that every first-year student can choose a LC that matches their interests and goals. As a member of the core UGS leadership team, the director is part of new initiatives supporting student success and establishes and helps grow partnerships across campus.
The LEAP Learning Community is a year-long learning community that enables new students to transition more confidently to college and to play an active role in their own education. Students stay with the same classmates and faculty member, while taking courses that satisfy general education and graduation requirements, in small classes throughout the year. LEAP students participate in social and service activities with other students and with Peer Advisors.
To see a list of all responsibilities of LEAP Program director, click here.
Required qualifications include a Ph.D. and an outstanding record in teaching at the college and university level. Position is open to tenure/tenure track and career line faculty. Administrative and assessment experience preferred.
How to apply
Please send a cover letter and cv to Andrea Haag (a.haag@ugs.utah.edu). The search committee will begin reviewing files Feb. 27, 2017. Please send questions about the position to Ann Darling (ann.darling@utah.edu), chair of the search committee.
For more information, visit the LEAP director search page.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
HELP US RECOGNIZE OUR STRONG FACULTY[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]The Career Services Team is looking for a way to honor exceptional faculty members who have helped students prepare for their future and build the tools necessary for success in finding a career.
The form is short and can be completed by going here.
Check out the flier below for further details.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
APPLE PRODUCTS NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH USHOP[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Many campus departments have asked if and when Apple will be enabled as a supplier in UShop. The University Campus Store is the sole administrator of the contract that exists with Apple and because of this, provides many advantages to departments and the U as a whole.
Due to the benefits of this contract, all Apple computer purchases should be placed with the University Campus Store, as Apple will not be enabled as a supplier within UShop. Purchases can be made with P-Cards and chartfields at the Campus Store, simplifying transactions and ensuring that all campus purchasers enjoy the benefits and savings of the Apple agreement.
The University Campus Store is able to provide departments with the following benefits:
Product availability
- The Campus Store receives all new product releases at the same time as the Apple Retail Store, and orders are placed in advance of the scheduled release date to ensure product availability upon launch.
Discounted pricing
- Apple product pricing is the same or better than the Apple Store.
- The Campus Store works with departments to try and obtain extra discounts for departmental sales and sometimes, Apple offers additional discounts.
- When Apple announces new products, the Campus Store is able to discount products as much as $300—something the Apple Store cannot offer.
Customer service
- A commitment to provide a two-hour turnaround time for any quotes or sales orders.
- Products will be delivered directly to your department.
- The Campus Store also offers DEP (Device Enrollment Program), which provides a fast, streamlined way to deploy your corporate-owned Mac or iOS devices with zero-touch configuration for IT, streamlined setup and wireless supervision. For more information about DEP, contact Derek Walton.
You may contact our Apple specialists with any questions or to place your orders:
Aubrie Anderson – Apple Inside Sales Specialist
Derek Walton – Apple Outside Sales Specialist
Alex Parra – Apple Order Expeditor
NEW HOME FOR P-CARD, USHOP AND PURCHASING[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]We are excited to announce that on Feb. 10, 2017, the Purchasing, UShop and P-Card departments are moving to a new location in the Park Building (near Accounts Payable).
Please update your records with the following new address information effective Feb. 13, 2017:
201 S. Presidents Circle, Rm 170
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Other contact information for these departments will remain the same:
Email: askme@purchasing.utah.edu Phone: 801-581-7241 Fax: 801-581-8609
Website: fbs.admin.utah.edu/purchasing/
Email: pcard@purchasing.utah.edu Phone: 801-587-7859 Fax: 801-581-8609
Website: fbs.admin.utah.edu/pcard/
Email: perry.hull@admin.utah.edu Phone: 801-585-2255 Fax: 801-581-8609
Website: fbs.admin.utah.edu/ushop/
Thank you for taking the time to update your records. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Click here for more information.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]The American Library Association’s ALA Editions published a collection of essays, articles, white papers and lectures entitled “Libraries, Leadership, and Scholarly Communication” essays by Rick Anderson, associate dean for collections and scholarly communication at the J. Willard Marriott Library, which recently received a starred review in Library Journal.
Dealing with such issues as patron privacy, the core values of librarianship, the problem of zealotry and open access to scholarship, some of the pieces featured in this collection have been highly influential and some have caused controversy in the library profession. “Whenever we, as members of an organization like a library, are forced to choose between good things, we may start by trying to figure out some way to have both things,” Anderson explains in the book. “But in many cases, that will turn out to be impossible and we’ll have to decide which good thing is going to take priority over the other…”
Anderson has been a prolific writer and speaker on topics related to academic libraries and scholarly publishing for the past 20 years. He currently serves as president of the Society for Scholarly Publishing and is a featured “chef” on that organization’s widely-read blog, The Scholarly Kitchen.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
PICKLEBALL COMES TO THE STUDENT LIFE CENTER[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Come check out one of the fastest growing sports. Pickleball is a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis.
Two, three or four players use solid paddles ball, similar to a wiffle ball, over a net. Go to campusrec.utah.edu for the Pickleball court schedule.
For more information about Pickleball and some great videos, go here.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
U WOMEN’S SOCCER CLUB KICKS OFF[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]The University of Utah Women’s Soccer Club is officially recruiting and getting ready for an exciting spring season.
The club is student-run and participates in both fall and spring tournaments in the Intermountain West.
If you have love for the game and you’re ready to compete, win and make our organization a success, please contact the club at uofuwomensclubsoccer@yahoo.com for more information.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE EDIE KOCHENOUR MEMORIAL LECTURE AT NOON ON FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 2017[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]This year we are excited to welcome Jennifer Azzi as our speaker. She is a former WNBA player with seven Hall of Fame inductions, an Olympic Gold Medal, a Stanford National Championship, the Naismith Award, and the Wade Trophy. Azzi also played as a guard for our local Utah Starzz for three seasons, leading in minutes played and in 2000, leading the league in free-throw percentage.
Azzi is a well-respected coach, speaker and author who actively represents the sport, both locally and internationally. Azzi’s lecture, Crossing the Half-Court: Women Breaking Boundaries, will address the success she has had pushing the needle on diversity efforts, and how we in higher education should think differently about creating similar successes, not just in sports, but in life.
This topic is particularly important realizing the low success of diversity efforts, despite trying. A symposium consisting of several smaller discussions centered around topics of diversity will follow Azzi’s noon lecture. There will be a light lunch preceding the lecture.
Additional details and a registration link will be available soon.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
GLASS RECYCLING ON CAMPUS[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Glass recycling has arrived at the University of Utah thanks to the combined efforts of three students, Facilities Management and the Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund, or SCIF.
Fifty bins will be placed in buildings during the beginning of the spring 2017 semester and available for use by students, faculty and staff. At least one glass recycling bin will be placed in all major buildings across campus with a few extra in high-traffic places like the Union and Marriott Library.
While taking Global Changes in Society, a course offered by the Global Change & Sustainability Center, GCSC, three environmental humanities graduate students proposed a glass recycling pilot project. Jennifer Lair, Nicole Cox and Carissa Beckwith wanted to implement an on-campus glass recycling bin program utilizing the Momentum Recycling facility in Salt Lake City.
Click here to read more.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
Month of February
Track your trips at tinyurl.com/Ucleanair[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Drive less to help clean the air. Walk, bike, take TRAX, ride buses and shuttles — do whatever you can to not drive alone. Then, log those trips at tinyurl.com/Ucleanair throughout February to see your contribution to better air.
Mobile sources, including personal vehicles, are responsible for nearly half of all winter PM 2.5-related emissions that contribute to the unhealthy air. Together, we can make a difference.
Read more here.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
COLLEGE OF LAW ANNOUNCES NEW CHAIRED PROFESSOR APPOINTMENTS[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Six professors at the S.J. Quinney College of Law have been named to new chaired professor appointments, a result of their excellence in teaching, research and service. The new chairs are:
- Erika George, Samuel D. Thurman Endowed Professor of Law
- RonNell Andersen Jones, Lee E. Teitelbaum Endowed Professor of Law
- Jeff Schwartz, William H. Leary Professor of Law
- Linda F. Smith, James T. Jensen Professor of Transactional Law
- Robin Craig (previously the Leary Professor), James I. Farr Presidential Endowed Chair in Law
- Associate Dean Lincoln Davies (previously the James I. Farr Chair), Hugh B. Brown Presidential Endowed Chair in Law
“Each of these faculty members richly deserves this honor, which recognizes their individual professional achievements in the realms of scholarship, teaching and service,” said Robert B. Keiter, a law professor who chairs the committee that makes appointment recommendations. To read more about each professor, click here.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
FRESHMAN SCHOLARSHIPS UPDATED[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]The University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid has updated some freshman scholarships, which will go in effect for the 2017-18 academic year. The changes are as follows:
Scholarships for Utah residents:
- Honors at Entrance is now known as the Utah Flagship Scholarship. The amount for the scholarship remains the same, $5,000 annually towards tuition and renewable up to eight semesters.
- Partial Honors at Entrance is now known as the Utah Academic Scholarship. The amount of the award remains the same, $2,500 annually towards tuition and renewable up to eight semesters.
- Cash at Entrance is now known as the Utah Academic Recognition Award. This award has increased to $1,500 annually and is renewable up to four semesters annually.
- The Trustees Scholarship has increased to $1,500 and $2,500 annually. It is renewable up to four semesters.
- The Valedictorian Award will no longer be offered and these funds will be used to increase other in-state awards.
Scholarships for non-residents:
- Academic Full Tuition is now known as the Academic Excellence Scholarship. There are two different scholarships offered – a renewable scholarship up to eight semesters and a one year scholarship. The scholarship covers full non-resident tuition and no fees.
- Academic Partial Tuition is now known as the Academic Distinction Scholarship. This scholarship is for one year and covers the resident portion of tuition.
- The Freshman Academic Achievement Award is now renewable for eight semesters and the amount ranges from $6,000 to $12,000 annually. It was previously a one semester award. if students gain Utah residency for tuition purposes, the scholarship will not be renewed.
- Western Undergraduate Exchange is now renewable for eight semesters. Previously, it was renewable for 10 semesters. This tuition discount program covers 150 percent of in state tuition.
Visit the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid website for more information about freshman scholarships.
If you have any questions, please contact the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid at 801-581-6211 or scholarship@sa.utah.edu.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
IVORY PRIZE: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]To encourage student involvement and leadership, Clark Ivory, former chair of the University of Utah Board of Trustees, established the Ivory Prize for Excellence in Student Leadership. This prestigious award recognizes extraordinary and influential student-led projects that positively impact the campus and/or the broader community. The recipient(s) receives a $2,000 award and up to $10,000 to invest in the program or effort for which they are being recognized.
Those who have graduated from the U since 2011 (within the last five years), as well as those currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs, are eligible. Self-nominations are welcome.
Nominations are due Friday, Feb. 24.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
Application deadline is Jan. 23, 2017[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Looking for a way to strengthen your community engaged teaching opportunities? Faculty who are tying learning to civic engagement and want to foster stronger community connections may be eligible for a $7,500 prize through the Bennion Center.
Sponsored by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Public Service Professorship award may enable you to carry out a proposed project, reimburse your department for release time, pay a research assistant, travel to conferences, purchase supplies or equipment.
For award criteria and application requirements, click here.
Application deadline is Jan. 23, 2017.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
Deadline to nominate is Feb. 3, 2017 [bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Do you know an academic advisor who has made a positive impact on the lives of their students? Nominations are now being accepted from students, staff and faculty for the 2017 University Academic Advising Committee’s Outstanding Advisor Award (more than three years of advising experience) and Outstanding New Advisor Award (three or fewer years of advising experience).
The deadline to nominate is Feb. 3, 2017.
Both awards recognize U advisors who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding academic advising:
- Approaches advising as teaching
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Available to advisees
- Reaches out and supports underserved populations
- Makes appropriate referrals
- Uses and disseminates appropriate information sources
- Caring, helpful attitude toward advisees, faculty and staff
- Works with students outside of office in formal university-related activities
- Monitors advisee progress toward academic and career goals
- Mastery of institutional regulations, policies and procedures
- Participates in and supports advisor development programs
- Proactive; builds relationships with advisees and follows up
- Practices developmental advising
It only takes a few moments to complete the nomination process.
Additional questions can be addressed to Shawn Adrian at shawn.adrian@utah.edu. Consider recognizing an outstanding advisor at the U by submitting a nomination today.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
BOOK ARTS PROGRAM 2017 CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]The library’s Book Arts Program champions wide-ranging explorations of the book. In our fully equipped studio, bookbinders, printers, and book artists utilize type, letterpress, photo engravings and bookbinding equipment as they combine traditional techniques with modern aesthetics and technology.
The Book Arts Program promotes involvement with the art of the book by facilitating:
- Academic designations of Minor and Certificate in Book Arts and MFA in Creative Writing & Book Arts which are supported by classes exploring letterpress printing, bookbinding, artists’ books, and typography
- Community Programming for adults and the K-12 community of learners and educators
- Exhibitions that celebrate and explore both the traditional and innovative arts of the book
- Studio access for those who have completed foundation courses[/bs_col][/bs_row]
SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE’S NEW WEBSITE[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]The University of Utah’s Sustainability Office rolls out a new website, showcasing sustainable research, education, engagement and campus progress. The Sustainability Office was established in 2008 to integrate sustainability in all facets of the university and serve as a model for what is possible. The office supports the U’s learning community in making positive change for social equity, economic prosperity and environmental integrity.Learn more about sustainability at the U by exploring the new website.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
Entry deadline is Friday, Feb. 18[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Are you a Utah poet interested in having your work featured in one of Red Butte Garden’s 11 poetry boxes? April is National Poetry Month, so help us celebrate by sharing your nature inspired poetry.
Poems will be judged according to the following criteria:
- Quality of writing
- Inspired by nature
- Relevant to the spring season
- Pertinent to the Garden
- Twenty-four lines or shorter
- Appropriate for all ages
Winners will be invited to provide an audio recording of them performing a reading of their poem and participate in additional programming related to National Poetry Month. By submitting your poems, the author grants Red Butte Garden a license to publish and reproduce the poem online and in other media.
For more info and to submit your entry, please visit our website.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR INTRAMURAL SPORTS SPRING 2017[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Don’t miss out on the best social and recreational activity on campus! Registration is now open for many of the indoor season sports such as
basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, inner tube water polo, table tennis, and the FIFA 17 Tournament.
Check out all the sports, leagues, and tournaments at campusrec.utah.edu or imleagues.com/utah.
Depending on the activity, fees range from FREE to $10.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
JOIN OUR TEAM: CAMPUS RECREATION SERVICES IS HIRING SPORTS OFFICIALS NOW[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Looking for an on-campus job with flexible hours, paid training, great benefits and want to stay active?
Campus Recreation Services is hiring officials for basketball, soccer, and volleyball.
If you are interested, contact Jake Myers at jacob.myers@utah.edu or 801-585-8732.[/bs_col][/bs_row]
HELP A STUDENT IN NEED[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″][/bs_col]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]The Office for Equity and Diversity is eager to launch its first-ever Diversity Student Emergency Fund. The fund is a one-time grant providing financial support to students facing a crisis or unexpected expenses, such as an accident, illness, a death of a family
member, fire damage or need for temporary housing. To maximize resources, create a network and strengthen partnerships, these funds are a collaborative effort with various student services across campus. Pools of funding and resources will help students navigate long-term financial goals. Now you can be a part of the network. Your donation will get students back on their feet, so they can continue to pursue their college career.
To contribute, click here.[/bs_col][/bs_row]