Each semester, the Office of Admissions hosts a variety of recruitment events for future students that showcases life at the U from the perspective of our current students. One series of events we coordinate is called, Student Spotlights, which is a panel made up of undergraduate students like you across campus and moderated by a University Ambassador from the Office of Admissions. These weekly spotlights focus on different aspects of the University of Utah experience by asking questions about getting involved, living on campus, being successful in class and much more. There are no incorrect answers to the personal experience questions asked in the panels by our moderators. These videos are pre-recorded from the comfort of your own home and released online each Friday for prospective students and family to view on-demand throughout the semester.
As we begin this new semester, the Office of Admissions is searching for undergraduate students across campus to volunteer for these panels we will be recording through the spring term. The commitment would be roughly an hour of time to record the discussion from your own home, a stable internet connection, and laptop or tablet to video record yourself with. If you would like to get involved with one or more recordings of the Student Spotlight panel discussions, please fill out this form and the Office of Admissions will get in touch with you this semester.
For any questions, please email Jordan Jameson, assistant director of campus experience at jordan.jameson@utah.edu.