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Updated WellU options to help you focus on your health

The WellU program was created for academic campus and U Health academics employees to enhance employee health and manage healthcare costs.  To do that, we strive to provide opportunities for employees to increase their health and well-being.  Many WellU Activities are built on evidence-based approaches while providing interesting and fun options. 

WellU 2024-2025: What’s new

  • Employees who complete the WellU requirements prior to July 1, 2025, will receive a discount on health plan premiums of $25 per month during the 2025/2026 Plan Year
  • Each participant will complete a new Health Risk Assessment (HRA) that focuses more on the fundamentals of health. The new HRA, replacing the Regence Empower health assessment, will be available September 1, 2024
  • After completing the HRA, you may be invited to work with a knowledgeable team to create a personalized health plan, or you may complete four Wellness Activities (similar to the current offerings)
  • Wellness Activity costs are being reduced and can be repeated when appropriate (e.g., dietitian visits)

WellU 2024-2025: What’s not changing

  • Participation is completely voluntary
  • All personal health information will be kept private, the same way our health system manages patient data
  • Wellness Activities are available, regardless of participation in WellU

The details

University Human Resource Management (UHRM) is partnering with the University’s Osher Center for Integrative Health (the Osher Team) to administer the WellU Program.  Led by Dr. Amy Locke, U of U Health Chief Wellness Officer, the Osher Team will guide interested employees as they strive to reach their health and well-being goals.

Employees who are at high risk for certain medical conditions will be able to obtain concierge support.  Dr. Locke and the Osher Team will guide employees as they analyze their overall health and lifestyle to determine the best pathway forward to well-being.  For those who choose to engage, the personal benefits can far exceed any health plan discount.

WellU program 2024/2025 requirements

To participate in WellU and receive a discount on your health plan premium of $25 per month for the 2025/2026 Plan Year:

Complete the new Health Risk Assessment (HRA) available September 1, 2024. The new HRA will be user-friendly and designed to give employees easy access to health knowledge.  By focusing on fundamentals such as diet, exercise, sleep, and other health behaviors, the HRA will help participants identify health risks and receive personalized recommendations for improving health and well-being.

Employees identified as high risk after taking the HRA may choose to work with the Osher Team to create a personalized plan, rather than just checking boxes.  This approach will involve the Osher Team meeting employees where they are in their health journey and helping them identify what matters most to them as they create and follow their own care pathway.  Employees may be linked to high-quality primary care providers or specialists, further supporting their health and well-being.  Pathway participants will be assisted in identifying activities that best meet their health needs. Participating in a care pathway is optional.  Employees who choose not to engage with the Osher Team must complete four WellU Wellness Activities to participate in WellU.

All other employees must complete four WellU Wellness Activities:

  • Medical services, including age-appropriate screenings and vaccinations, wellness visits with your primary care provider or at RedMed, dental cleaning/exam, and Lifestyle Medicine Consult Services with primary care providers
  • Other health- and wellness-promoting activities, such as nutrition consultations and workshops, exercise prescriptions, nature walks at Red Butte Garden, workouts at Eccles Student Life Center, one-on-one consultations with a licensed representative from Fidelity Investments or TIAA, approved department challenges, or the new adult WellU Body and Brain dance class hosted by Tanner Dance
  • Programs to improve health and well-being including Build-a-Bone, Intensive Lifestyle Program, Everyday Mindfulness, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, National Diabetes Prevention Program, and Intuitive Eating

See the updated WellU website for additional information.

Privacy of personal health information

The privacy of your health information is essential.  Participation does not require sharing personal health information – employees must provide their name and UID in the Health Risk Assessment.  Employees are encouraged to respond to the remaining HRA questions to receive valuable information and support.  Health information will never be provided to UHRM or anyone outside the Osher Team without permission.  For additional information, see the WellU FAQs.

UHRM and the Osher Team are committed to meeting our employees’ health needs through open communication. The program will go live on July 1, 2024, with the Health Risk Assessment launching on September 1, 2024.  We will continue to share updates on the WellU website and in @theU, as we work to improve the WellU Program over time.