At the University of Utah, we are intentional about our efforts to strengthen the well-being of our entire community. The Office of the Dean of Students is delighted to share that our efforts in 2022 have not gone unnoticed. The University of Utah has earned the highly regarded Campus Prevention Network (CPN) Seal of Prevention for the best-in-class digital prevention and wellness programs we deliver to our students. Only 12% of colleges and universities in the country achieved this recognition.
The CPN Seal of Prevention represents the highest standard for online prevention education, with a rigorous set of criteria to ensure we are making a measurable impact across the critical areas of sexual assault, alcohol and drug misuse, mental health and diversity and inclusion. If unaddressed, these challenges erode our community fabric and impede academic success. By teaching critical life skills in tandem with academic preparation, we prepare our students to succeed both now and in the future. We encourage you to learn more about the Seal.
We have made it a priority to have our students participate in a series of online trainings aimed at creating a safe and inclusive campus community. These trainings are foundational to building a shared understanding of the values and expectations we embrace at the University of Utah. Some of these programs have been required before students arrive on campus, and others are part of the ongoing community-building initiatives we integrate throughout the year. We believe this continued investment in prevention is central to upholding our mission, supporting the success of our institution, and preparing students to be their best – on campus and beyond.
The Office of the Dean of Students is confident that our comprehensive digital education efforts, paired with the work U staff and faculty do every day to reinforce the values and expectations of our community, will support us in moving through the current challenges, and help prepare us for what lies ahead.
Thank you for helping to make the University of Utah the best it can be.