Elections for the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) will begin in the Spring of 2022 and interested students can now file for their candidacy. Positions are available in the Legislative Branch (Senate OR Assembly as representatives for their academic college), the Executive Branch (President, Vice President for Student Relations, Vice President for University Relations), and the Judicial Branch (Attorney General). Students should read the materials in the filing form and the candidate packet before filing.
Getting involved in student government—the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) —is easier than you may think. Each year new students are needed to fill the available positions in the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Sound familiar? Yes, ASUU is modeled after the government of the United States.
ASUU oversees and coordinates with over 600 student groups and clubs. They approve funding, pass new legislation, aid with on-campus childcare, tutoring and host free concerts, movies and dances. All the things that make life more enjoyable and enhance our sense of campus community. They also host engaging speakers, organize service projects as well as events just for families.
Who can apply/run?
Any registered University of Utah student taking a minimum of 1 credit hour.
Do I have to have previous leadership experience?
No, you do not need any previous experience to run for these positions.
How do I run?
Simply fill out the filing form on the ASUU Elections website and click on “Forms.” You must fill out the filing application AND pay the filing fee to formally run.
What are the deadlines?
Dec. 31, 2021 @ 5 p.m.
What positions can I run for?
There are many different positions to apply for, so it is important to do your research to see where you fit in the best. Every year all positions are vacated by the previous year’s students and are available for new applications. The positions include one president, two vice presidents, 18 senators from each college, 36 assembly representatives (two from each college), seven supreme court justices and one attorney general. In total, we are looking for 65 elected officials and dozens of more students to fill other vital cabinet roles.
How do I run for the presidency?
The ASUU president, vice president of student relations, and vice president of university relations all run under the same ticket. These positions get to work directly with university administrators, the Board of Trustees and faculty and staff from all over campus. These positions require the largest time commitment and would be expected to work almost every day during the week. I would say it’s beneficial to have experience in ASUU before running for the presidency but not required.
What do the Assembly and Senate members do?
To run for your college, you must be officially in your major, not a pre-major. The only exception is pre-nursing majors may run for the College of Nursing. These positions have a medium amount of time commitment.
What do the justices and the attorney general do?
Their role is to interpret Redbook, the rules and regulations that ASUU follows. These positions require a moderate time commitment.
If you have any additional questions, contact ASUU Elections Board Director Andrew Stender via email.