Dear colleagues,
As the Fall 2020 Semester begins today, we would like to take a moment and thank our entire research community, including all VPR unit staff, for keeping research operations running smoothly and safely this summer under the extraordinary and difficult circumstances. Your enormous efforts and cooperation with many evolving safety guidelines kept the campus community safe and healthy, while continuing many critical research operations.
Because of all your important work, the University of Utah research community has celebrated another historic high of $603M in research funding for FY20. Despite these challenging times, the U submitted the most proposals ever for the month of June and received a substantial boost in funding related to COVID-19 research. Congratulations to all of the remarkable faculty, students, staff, and research partners who helped us achieve another research funding milestone this year. You can find more details about the FY20 campus research accomplishments here.
With the return of more students and personnel to campus, it will be essential to continue to stay diligent and follow all COVID-19 safety guidelines to keep our campus safe and healthy for the remainder of the pandemic. As a reminder, university research is still restricted to “Limited Research Activities” ONLY while the U remains in the Orange Phase (see the Research Alert Levels table for more information). We will continue to keep our website current with new information and announce updated policies when the campus moves to a different risk phase.
We greatly appreciate all of your efforts and achievements during this difficult summer semester. Together we will continue to navigate through these challenging times while advancing the university’s critical missions of fostering innovation, creativity, knowledge transfer, and entrepreneurship that leads to positive transformation.
Andy Weyrich, Vice President for Research
Diane Pataki, Associate Vice President for Research
Erin Rothwell, Associate Vice President for Research