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Pioneering the future: Better health for populations

Read about how University of Utah Health is creating interventions and understanding behavior to make a difference for tens of thousands to millions.

Researchers at University of Utah Health keep their eyes on the big picture by tackling population-sized problems and ensuring their efforts add up to substantial impacts on public health. Better Health for Populations demonstrates how creating interventions and understanding behavior are making a difference for tens of thousands to millions. These stories are part of Pioneering the Future, a campaign celebrating high-impact discoveries made by today’s scientists.

“Ask, Advise, Connect”

Being proactive matters. That’s what scientists at Huntsman Cancer Institute have found. “Ask, Advise, Connect” is a program that nudges providers to connect people who smoke to quitlines. The innovative approach improves uptake by an incredible 30-fold, and it is now a national best practice that saves lives.

Clinical support in an app

Sometimes decision-making needs a boost. With Bili Ap—co-created by biomedical informaticists and pediatricians—health care providers can more easily identify bilirubin in newborns that causes jaundice, saving time and improving care.

The impact of choice

Recent policy changes mean veterans have expanding options for health care. Data from more than a million surveys are measuring the impact of choice. They show that simply having options isn’t enough. Choices are only beneficial if they fill veterans’ needs.

Blood pressure reset

What a difference a few points makes. An impressive body of research contributed to changing national blood pressure guidelines, reducing risk of heart disease, stroke and cognitive impairment for millions.

Read Better Health for Populations here.