Should a university employee experience an on-the-job injury or illness, especially of a severity listed below, Environmental Health and Safety should be notified as soon as possible. Call 801-581-6590 or (after business hours) 801-585-2677 and request the EHS on-call. In some incidences, it will be necessary to secure the incident scene for an independent investigation.
The university is obligated to report the following to OSHA:
- All work-related fatalities, within eight hours of finding out about them.
- All work-related inpatient hospitalizations of one or more employees, within 24 hours of learning of it.
- All work-related amputations, within 24 hours of learning of it.
- All work-related losses of an eye, again within 24 hours of learning of it.
Supervisors play a critical role in the university’s occupational health and safety compliance programs. As this regards notification of on the job incidents, supervisor’s actions are essential to the university efforts.
While Human Resources Absence Management is coordinating workers’ compensation issues, Environmental Health and Safety is providing notifications to Utah’s Occupational Health and Safety Administration as required by law.
The information needed includes:
- Location of the work-related incident
- Time of the work-related incident
- Type of event (i.e., fatality, inpatient hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye, etc.)
- Number of employees who suffered the event
- Names of the employees who suffered the event
- Contact person (supervisor) and his or her phone number
- Brief description of the work-related incident including names of witnesses
For additional information, contact EHS at 801-581-6590.