Marty Shaub, CEM, UCEM, director of occupational and environmental health and safety, University of Utah, has taken office as 2018-19 president of the USA Council of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM-USA). She was sworn in at the President’s Banquet during the Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Other officers sworn in were IAEM-USA First Vice President Teri Smith, CEM, CPM, IAEM-USA Second Vice President Judson M. Freed, CEM and IAEM-USA Secretary Carrie L. Speranza, CEM.Upon taking office, Shaub noted the importance of IAEM to the emergency management community. “Despite the use of social media as a means to build a network, emergency managers need IAEM now more than ever to unite our efforts to address the challenges of our time such as climate change, aging infrastructure, and financial uncertainty for many,” she stated. “Our community needs every emergency manager and every emergency manager needs our IAEM community if we are to get ahead of these challenges and ultimately prepare and protect our constituencies.”
Shaub is an experienced emergency management professional living in Salt Lake City. She was born and raised in Monmouth, Illinois, and is a graduate of Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. She has directed programs for the University of Utah since 1984, and in her current position oversees a staff of 29 professionals.
Shaub was awarded the University of Utah Public Service medal in 2012 in recognition of her long-standing efforts to make the university a safe, secure environment for learning and for her commitment to building a disaster resistant university. She was the principal investigator for the university’s $1 million Disaster Resistant University Grant in 2010.
Shaub was a founding member of the Utah Emergency Management Association and was appointed to the first Utah Comprehensive Emergency Management Advisory Board, established in 2000. She served as the Advisory Board chair during the drafting of bylaws and operating procedures. She has served on advisory boards for Private Sector Homeland Security, Higher Education Emergency Planning, EMPG and UASI Grants and the Lt. Governor’s Advisory Board for Emergency Management within the state of Utah.
Shaub is an adjunct instructor for the State Training Officer’s program in Utah. She’s delivered emergency management presentations at the Utah Health and Safety Annual Conference; the International Campus Safety, Health and Environmental Management Association Conferences; the National Safety Council Congress and Exposition; and to The Office of Compliance for the United States Congress.
She likes conducting program evaluations and developing strategic plans, and is experienced supervising technical as well as professional staff and directing consultants.
In addition to IAEM, Shaub has held leadership positions in the Utah Emergency Management Association, where she was a founding member and a past president, she served on the Board of Delegates for the National Safety Council and is a past president of the International Campus Safety, and Health and Environmental Management Association. She currently also serves IAEM as director of communications for IAEM’s Global Board of Directors since 2016.