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Marriott Library new acquisition highlights

In Spring 2024, a Marriott Library Ad Hoc Selections Committee invited all members of the University of Utah community to submit specific, big-ticket, one-time purchase suggestions to enhance Marriott Library’s research and teaching collections.

These are some of the highlights of the suggestions purchased:

Databases and Large Publisher Agreements

Collections with significant historical and scholarly impact.

  • De Gruyter University Press Library Agreement
    • Marriott Library will receive all print & e-book publications from seven university presses for the next three years.
    • In addition, Marriott Library will receive e-book editions from these same presses for all physical books already owned.
    • The links below lead to the current and future publication lists from each press:
    • Adam Matthew Impact Database
      • Marriott Library has purchased perpetual access to Adam Matthew Primary Source Digital Collections, including its AM Archives Direct Collections. This purchase provides access to 120 digitized collections of primary source content from medieval times to the early 21st Subjects include:
        • Arts and humanities
        • Audiovisual
        • Global history
        • History of science and medicine
        • Newspapers
        • Politics and society
        • Regions and regional studies
        • Society and culture
      • Geographic regions covered by these materials include:
        • Africa
        • Australasia
        • Britain, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
        • Caribbean
        • Central and South America
        • East Asia
        • Europe
        • Middle East
        • North America
        • Pacific
        • Russia
        • South Asia
        • South East Asia


  • Nature Climate Change
  • Brill humanities ebooks
  • Spanish language ebooks from Latin American university presses
  • AccessEngineering
  • Access Science database
  • American Chemical Society ebooks
  • American Chemical Society In Focus Collections, ebooks
  • ASM Medical Materials database
  • Zoological Record WOS

Thematic Book Lists

During Spring 2024, the Ad Hoc Selection Committee analyzed library statistics (such as ILL requests and denial of access to e-books through publishers’ websites), categorized new curriculum and research areas mentioned in the University of Utah’s 2023 Academic Enterprise Plans, and invited library users to identify areas of regional expertise as well as gaps in current library collections through its Online Suggestion Form. After compiling all these data, the committee created 34 themes. Librarians with expertise in each subject area curated a cumulative list of 2914 books to be purchased.

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Africa Studies
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Arts Health & Arts Education
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Bioinformatics
  • Black and Afro-diasporic studies
  • College Success in the Health Sciences
  • Criminology
  • Cultural Resources Management, Historic Preservation
  • Data Science & Data Visualization
  • Disability Studies
  • Education
  • Educational Psychology
  • Financial Planning & Counseling
  • Global Social Life & Customs
  • Indigeneity
  • Indigenous Studies: Nahuatl & Shoshone
  • Israel’s foreign and domestic politics
  • Literary Criticism
  • Medical Humanities, Clinical Ethics, and Bioethics
  • Student Mental Health & Stress
  • Philosophy
  • Queer Studies
  • Religion Reporting
  • Social Work
  • Soft Skills: Critical thinking, Emotional intelligence, Leadership, and Creativity
  • Sound Studies
  • Sports Health & Wellbeing
  • Springer Publishing Math Books
  • Sustainability Studies
  • Veterans
  • Video Games: History, Creation, Artwork, and Criticism
  • World History Studies

For items that do not have a link, please reach out to Greg Hatch, chair of the 2024 Ad Hoc Selections Committee, or the library liaison for your department, for more information.