Get Inclusive is a new platform for providing online prevention education and high-quality training modules at the University of Utah. It will replace the previous platform, Everfi. This change will allow for improved communication, branding and hold removal processes. It is also an opportunity for new and enhanced content such as “Voices for Change” and “Graduate Upstanders.”
“Voices for Change” is a new, mandatory training for all incoming undergraduate students and undergraduates who completed the Sexual Assault Prevention training through Everfi more than one year ago. This program focuses on bystander engagement and intervention. Each year students will be asked to complete another training that builds upon the previous training while introducing new content.
“Graduate Upstanders” is the new, mandatory for all incoming graduate and professional students, and for graduate and professional students who completed the previous Everfi training more than one year ago. “Graduate Upstanders” focuses on bystander intervention, consent and sexual violence, and emphasizes University of Utah definitions, policies and resources.
With Get Inclusive, graduate and undergraduate students will also be offered additional, optional, in-depth trainings including Mental Health & Wellbeing in October 2022, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in January 2023, and Alcohol & Other Drugs in March 2023. Each training includes a graduate and undergraduate version. Those who complete all mandatory and optional trainings will be awarded a Community Standards Competency digital badge which can be added to resumes and professional portfolios.