In connection with the university’s new, reduced premium rates effective July 1, 2021, for employee and spouse supplemental life insurance, The Hartford has agreed to offer university employees in benefit-eligible positions a special enrollment opportunity.
July 1-31, 2021, university employees in benefit-eligible positions may enroll in or increase current coverage up to $350,000 in supplemental term life insurance on their own lives and/or $30,000 in supplemental term life insurance on their spouse’s or domestic partner’s life, without providing proof of good health. For example, if you already have $100,000 in employee supplemental term life insurance, you can add an additional $250,000 in coverage.
To enroll in coverage, click here.
Your User ID Your full University Employee ID NumberYour Password Your initials followed by your date of birth (MMDDYYYY). |
For Example: Jane Doe, born 01/05/1975 with a UNID of 00637521 would log in with the UNID of 00637521 (no “u” at the beginning) and the password of jd01051975. * You will be required to reset your password during your initial login. |
If you prefer, Hartford’s customer service representatives are available to walk you through the entire enrollment process. Contact them at 855-EZ-NROLL (1-855-396-7655), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.
Click here for more information.