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Faculty: Get your graduation regalia at the Campus Store during last chance rental pick-up

We understand that some faculty members may have missed the original order deadline for regalia rentals or there have been late additions to your ceremonies, so we will offer “Last Chance Rental Pick-up” beginning Monday, May 1 on a first come, first served basis. The rental regalia offered at Last Chance Pick-up will be specific to the University of Utah. We will not offer regalia for any other institution, so please make note of this when communicating with your faculty members.

Last Chance Rental Pick-up will be available at the Campus Store Monday, May 1-Wednesday, May 3 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Payment will be due upon pick-up, so please pay in advance or advise faculty members to bring a P-card or U Shop PO.

Faculty regalia will need to be returned to the Campus Store no later than May 26. Colleges and departments may coordinate this directly with Abby Hirshberg.

For any additional inquiries, please contact:
Abby Hirshberg