Nominations are being solicited for the rank of Distinguished Professor. Nominations from all parts of the campus are strongly encouraged.
Policy and Procedures 6-300 states, “The rank of Distinguished Professor is reserved for selected individuals whose achievements exemplify the highest goals of scholarship as demonstrated by recognition accorded to them from peers with national and international stature, and whose record includes evidence of a high dedication to teaching as demonstrated by recognition accorded to them by students and/or colleagues.” A person should not ordinarily be recommended to the distinguished professorship unless she/he is a member of the faculty who has completed eight years of service at the University of Utah prior to the nomination.
The nomination and selection of Distinguished Professors occur annually. Repeat nominations are permissible up to three years. After three years, the nominee must wait two years before being eligible for re-nomination. Regarding repeat nominations, we encourage nominators and/or other professors to add any additional information to update the file that they deem important for this year’s consideration.
All nominations must be submitted electronically. A list of current Distinguished Professors, nomination guidelines and forms can be found online.
Nomination forms and curriculum vitae must be submitted no later than Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018.
Questions, please contact the Distinguished Professor Advisory Committee.