The University of Utah has received a $335,000 grant from Lumina Foundation to assess the effectiveness of its newly launched Invest in U program, an income share agreement program aimed at helping students finish their degrees faster.
The grant also will allow the U to develop and highlight best practices and innovative models with other large, public universities interested in exploring income share agreement and other degree completion programs.
“We are thrilled to have Lumina’s support in our efforts to develop new pathways to degree completion for U students,” said Courtney McBeth, principal investigator and project director. “Helping more students graduate faster is a key strategic initiative at the University of Utah and our Invest in U program is at the forefront of our effort to help stop-and-start students accelerate their studies.”
This is the first direct grant the U has received from Lumina, an independent, private foundation in Indianapolis that is committed to making opportunities for learning beyond high school available to all.
Read the full story here.