Campus community members, the time has come to take part in the annual University of Utah Commuter Survey! The survey is open from October 2-9 and can be taken by any member of the University of Utah community. Participants include staff, faculty, and students from every part of the University of Utah. If you would like to participate in this year’s survey, please do so at the following link.
The Commuter Survey provides staff from various campus departments with valuable feedback on how people get to campus and their experiences with various transportation programs. Your feedback is important for improving and shaping the future of transportation on campus. This is the sixth administration of this survey, last administered in 2021, and is particularly important as our campus population has settled into new commuting habits post-COVID. The transportation services available to our commuters need to adjust to these new patterns. Transportation is one of the most important issues being considered as part of campus planning efforts, and recording your habits in the survey will ensure that your needs are being considered in the long-term strategic plan.
The main purpose of the survey is to collect annual data on how our campus community travels to campus, including mode choice, vehicle occupancy, distances traveled, and carbon emissions needed to satisfy reporting requirements for national rating systems. The results can be used to assess awareness and utilization of campus transportation services and estimate demand for new services designed to promote sustainable commuting to University of Utah locations. Data from the Commuter Survey can provide researchers with valuable insights about the effects of attitudes and perceptions of mobility options on commute mode choice.
We encourage you to share this important survey with your campus friends, coworkers, and any other campus members who would like to share their commuting insight.